Friday, December 5, 2008

Claymation reflection!!!!!

This blog is about my claymation project. we used all of first quarter and a little of second quarter. My partner was Lindsey and we had the best time, we did a total of seven scenes. We also had to choose a famous explorer to do our claymation on, we choose Amerigo Vespucci. After each scene Mr. berquist would check off each scene. Also we had to make a claymation map, to put it in with each scene. Lindsey and i also had to make ending and opening credits to say who did the pictures, ect.

I think that the most enjoyable part of this project was learning all of the technology skills. Everytime i had a computer problem i went to Mr. berquist or Mr.Snelling. Then Mr. Berquist would make us push through and find out diffrent ways to solve the tecnical problems we faced. I also learned how to import and record audio and make a movie it was amazing! Also i enjoyed working with my best friend in the entire world! her name is Lindsey adn she is the best partner. She was always ready to get to work. I really hope we can do something else like this. Somthing with tecnology involved I really do like working with computers.

The most difficult part of this project would have to be getting evrything in on time. When we turned a scene in it always seems that it would be on the day the next one was supposed to be due. For instance we would turn in 1 on the day 2 was due and 2 on the day 3 was due. 3 on the day 4 was due and so on. One day lindsey says why dont we do 6 instead of 5 becasue 5 will be late anyways. So we did and we got 6 in on time but 5 was still late.

The most important thing I learned while doing this project, was porbably that you always have to be prepared for your project. When I got to school I forgot that I wassupposed to bring the clay that day. Because of that we got behind and turned in a lot of our scenes late. We eventually got everything in but it taught me that prograstination is never a good thing.

Overall i had an amazing time doing this project and working with my partner. i really hope i can do something like this again.