Friday, December 5, 2008

Claymation reflection!!!!!

This blog is about my claymation project. we used all of first quarter and a little of second quarter. My partner was Lindsey and we had the best time, we did a total of seven scenes. We also had to choose a famous explorer to do our claymation on, we choose Amerigo Vespucci. After each scene Mr. berquist would check off each scene. Also we had to make a claymation map, to put it in with each scene. Lindsey and i also had to make ending and opening credits to say who did the pictures, ect.

I think that the most enjoyable part of this project was learning all of the technology skills. Everytime i had a computer problem i went to Mr. berquist or Mr.Snelling. Then Mr. Berquist would make us push through and find out diffrent ways to solve the tecnical problems we faced. I also learned how to import and record audio and make a movie it was amazing! Also i enjoyed working with my best friend in the entire world! her name is Lindsey adn she is the best partner. She was always ready to get to work. I really hope we can do something else like this. Somthing with tecnology involved I really do like working with computers.

The most difficult part of this project would have to be getting evrything in on time. When we turned a scene in it always seems that it would be on the day the next one was supposed to be due. For instance we would turn in 1 on the day 2 was due and 2 on the day 3 was due. 3 on the day 4 was due and so on. One day lindsey says why dont we do 6 instead of 5 becasue 5 will be late anyways. So we did and we got 6 in on time but 5 was still late.

The most important thing I learned while doing this project, was porbably that you always have to be prepared for your project. When I got to school I forgot that I wassupposed to bring the clay that day. Because of that we got behind and turned in a lot of our scenes late. We eventually got everything in but it taught me that prograstination is never a good thing.

Overall i had an amazing time doing this project and working with my partner. i really hope i can do something like this again.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life graph!

This is my life graph i took some of the important things and some not so important. One thing i am going to talk about from my life graph is how i got my hand stuck in a toilet. It all started with me going to Greece and Italy we were taking an overnight ferry to Athens, Greece and i really had to go to the bathroom, but it took a long time to get on the ferry because we were with an EF tours group with about 20 kids in each group and there were about 20 groups. so finally i got on the boat but the bathrooms wee really small in the room, and the toilet was right in front of the door so i pushed open the door and the toilet seat was up, and i didn't see the big 6 inch step that you had to take and i tripped and tried to catch my self but instead my hand went in the toilet it had so much force that it got stuck!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Greece and Italy!!!!

I went to Italy and Greece June 25Th-July 8Th It was so much fun i went with Carly and her sister, aunt, and mom. I also went with Mr. and Mrs. Gianni, Nick and his mom and Alyssa. First we took a 9 hour flight to Heathrow airport then we took a 3 hour flight to Rome. When we got to Rome i had at to much candy on the plane and I got sick. We got to Rome and stayed for three days we saw The Vatican, Pantheon, The Spanish steps, and The Trevi Fountain. Then we went to the island of Capri, with an hour ride ferry boat And i swam Mediterranean Sea. Then we went to the most beautiful island that I have ever seen it was called Santorini. Then we went to Delphi probably my second favorite place ever, but we only stayed one night there. then we took an overnight ferry and a 5 hour bus ride to get to Athens and we only stayed three days there. Then we went on a cruise to 5 islands in three days some of the islands were Crete, Cyprus and three others i don't remember when the cruise was over we had one more day in Athens. I ran out of money there because say I was going to buy something for 5 dollars her it would be 8 dollars do it was hard to keep track of the currency, But i would recommend anyone to go to a different country.